F.l.y A.w.a.y. ♥
into the sky and it never comes back
Friday, August 6, 2010 , 6:18 PM

so long nvr post le.......
so let rewind........ lol.........

2 aug
wake up at 9 plus.....
then go cook for myself....
then bath after that 11 plus then went
out take bus go amk hub then mrt.....
then reach sch late.... lol.....
first lesson was Engss.....
first time sitting with Felicia...
lol... talk a bit only.....
then after that is IF&IA....
today study... nvr play game.....
see i so guai.... lol....

3 aug
today wake up super early.....
6am..... then go bath and went out...
at around 6.45am.....
lol.... reach school again late....
lol.... always late de.... lol....
then first lesson is Engss....
then LifeSkill...... 2 lesson.....
suck man i hate it alot...
then IF&IA......
other then lifeskill lesson....
i whole day also study....
lol.... :) so guai mii...

4 aug
today wake up late........
6.45 then wake up....
lol... then faster bath and rush out....
reach school super late......
wth..... then first again Engss
hehhe..... today study hard cos after that
got test..... after IF&IA test....
so hard sa..... it take mii 2hours plus to finish....

today got Engss test........
so many people take 1hour 30min to finish....
really super hard sa 3 question only...
i spent 1 hour to do....
wth... wtf.... then after that go eat at eco....
then walk ps and joey to bus stop...
then take bus to jp.....
20 min...... then take mrt for 30 min.....
and chance to purple line....
for 25 min....... then fall asleep....
lol... then lucky got ps call mii...
hehhe...... i think i end here ba....

Thursday, May 27, 2010 , 7:50 PM

24 May

2day was boring..................
late for lesson.........
lesson start at 9am....
i reach there around 9.45am.......
hahha...... lol........

25 May

2day actually wanted to study....
but at last also play dota...
then play almost whole day lor......
but got study hor.........

26 May

2day actually can no need go for lesson de......
but i very guai got go not like yx...
hahha....... then at last cher nvr come.....
then play dota..... keep winning...
:):):):):) then after that was a boring lesson...

27 May

2day went to sch early.........
:):):) play dota and study..........
wth....... win two game in a row....
:):):):):) play against geo and zhi da.....
2 v 2 and normal gold........
poh seng and i really make a good team......
and twin happy sweet 17th bday.....
hope that all yr dream and wishes come true........
good thing is that from 2day is self study....
until next thursday........
nw chatting with pam............
will end here........ :):):)

Saturday, May 15, 2010 , 6:49 PM


12 May

2day was boring...........
wake up at 6.30am then tried went back
to slp again until 7am........
wth..... then faster change all this....
then rush out.... meet peishi in mrt.....
then went to sch together......
meet joey at carteen then go
class together...............
cher was late too.....
then whole day play dota..........
then break time eat in sch....
then went for eric and lifeskill lesson...
boring to shit...... then went home with joey
after that... then lend her my ear......
then reach home rot......
then at night all the sudden
i start listening people callin my name...
i was like wth........

13 May

2day wake up at 6.30am
then again slp until 7am.........
wth... wtf.....
same as 12 March meet peishi....
then go sch together........
then meet yubin (peishi lao gong)
and pohseng... then went to class together...
then cher come at the same time as us...
then play dota again............
hahha....... then break time still
eat in sch... no life sa........
then back to lesson still play dota.....
then after that went home with
joey again... lend her my ear again.........

14 May

2day no sch........ happy..........
went to purple market
eat with family.......
then went home rot until 6.30
then went to amk hub....
meet yx, pohseng, yubin and 2 other....
forget their name already.....
play pool... wow........ i win.......
then after that went to void deck...
meet 4 more people.......
then play block catching......
first one kana caught.....
wth...... then after that my turn to
catch people.... hahha........
i first 1 catch people.......
hahha..... pro right.....
then after that too tried then rest
there...... then pam call mii....
there chat while yx and pohseng go catch
people... hahha....... then after catching
every1 then went home........
reach home around 11.30pm...
then bath all this until 12 midnight....
then went to bed.........

15 May

wake up at 9.30am then went back to slp
then wake up at 12noon then eat......
then rot at home until now......
watching reborn.........

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 , 10:23 PM

fuck sa 2day test..........
see until section b i dun wan do le.......
2day the stupid pohseng left my thumbdrive at sch....
wtf............... pohseng i am ginna kill uuuuuuuuu....

Friday, April 30, 2010 , 5:59 PM

quite some time since i last post............
super boring sa.............
my tagbox is so damn dead..........
half half.................
anyway tmr is mavis bday
so mavis i wish u happy bday
and have fun tmr with yr friend at zoo....
should end here..............

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 , 3:23 PM

long time nvr post already.................
like b say no photo........
so i will post some 2day.........

class outing.......

last sat 20th march
went to buy james present with poh.......

then went to church with him........

the church was wth........

then after that went 2 james bday.....

then eat alot.......

then play poker with poh, yj, daniel and ben.....

then cut cake.........

then after play a while more.........

then shaun come and play with us a while.....

then went to play majong with james they all......

then he went home........

so fast lor....... lol......

then many went home tooo......

then only left mii, james, kian, alex, jiejun the 5 of us.....

then jiejun to slp and james say he still wan to play majong.....

so i join the game....... got win got lose...........

play play play until 4am........

then help clean up all this...........

around 6am make breakfeat with james...........

then eat around 7am.......... after that everyone went to slp.....

i there alone so went to use com until 9am

then went to slp until 11 plus then wake up.........

then eat lunch.....

lunch was pizza................

then after that play majong AGAIN...............

play until 4pm then watch some show.......

then play again..................

until around 7pm then eat mac.............

then still play until 8pm i went home with poh...........

reach home already still go watch some tv then abt

11 went to slp..... until 8am wake up......

super tired then sent grandpa see doctor......

until 3pm then come back...............

wth........... wtf................

then went to slp again until almost 7 then wake up.........

then play com...... then james msg mii......

ask mii was his party fun.....

i say okok lor........

then he ask wan to play majong again..............

i say ok............. but not too soon............

then watch movie until 3am then slp..... lol.......

then slp like pig again..... until 12pm.........

then rot at home until 2day...............

lol... hahha.......

i think tmr or friday going out see movie..............


will end here...........

Friday, February 26, 2010 , 8:04 PM

it been quite sometime since i last post......
anyway happy late chinese new year...
how u guy doing???
new year is a good day right.....
but i was not happy at all....
dunno why........
this week lesson was quite fun sa.....
lol.... went 2 lan yesterday...
leach hw 2 play drow ranger....
is very easy 2 use and play sa......
kill alot but my team was 2 nooooooob...
and we lost................ wth.....
2day cher nvr come and other take over...
4 him him and i dunno what he is talkin about sa...
then i was late 4 about an hour....... lol...
then SW... run 2.4km.......... i was walkin lor.....
lol...... when i finish the 2.4 i saw my friend was listening
2 song and walk all the way.... lol.....
guesss what is his time???
lol... 30 plus min.... lol... wth.....


i'm just like a balloon, it won't ever return once flies up into the sky.




designer: illusion-x
pattern: lyricaltragedy
host image: photobucket
generator: stripe generator